Selling Made Simple

Changing the way Wireless Carriers and Accessory Vendors do Business

Uncertain Times Call For Certain Systems

The pandemic has catapulted wireless capabilities and its accessories to be a necessity. CIXCI took the traditional relationship between Wireless Carriers and Accessory Vendors to enhance the customer experience.


Optimized content and product management through a complete, centralized solution that shapes the commerce presence.


Business to Business visibility is key to a successful relationship. Wireless Carriers and Accessory Vendors alike require real-time updates on trends and innovation.


Our patent pending digital solution manages the product life-cycle from end-to-end, keeping Wireless Carriers and Accessory Vendors in the know.

A centralized solution that shapes your commerce presence

CIXCI offers the only SaaS application that simplifies the wireless sales process, expanding brand and product, while placing more control with minimal effort. This powerful integration tool allows customers to access the largest accessory product catalog. As a result, streamlining the process, reducing operating risks, and cultivating logistics.

Integrated Solution

Changing the way Wireless Carriers and Accessory Vendors do Business
Changing the way Wireless Carriers and Accessory Vendors do Business

Simplified Process

Tailored B2B and B2C Presence

Changing the way Wireless Carriers and Accessory Vendors do Business

Our Vision

The way we do business has changed and continues to do so. As a result, challenges arise that call for simplification. CIXCI is committed to strengthening perspectives that empowers the freedom to adapt to that change. To be able to go past what is believed to be impossible.

Our Goal

To deliver a platform that simplifies the current go to market process for accessory vendors and wireless carriers. By creating this strategic partnership, we begin the process of changing the way accessories are sold. Increasing your brand presence, reducing inventory and marketing cost, and generating a revenue stream is our focus.

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